The Worldly Life is full of tests and trials. Everyone is tested according to his Iman. The prophets among the people were tested most in their lives. Ibrahim A’laihissalam faced the enmity of his father and nation on inviting them towards Tawhid. Yusuf A’laihissalam found his brothers treacherous and faced trial after trial until he was successful and acknowledged by all. Ayyub A’laihissalam was tested by his family, wealth and health so that he was taken everything back and then given in excess in this world after finishing the trials and being patient on it. After the prophets were tested the people who were near to them in obeying Allah’s commandments. Every person is still in state of test either by giving or depriving some of the blessings in this World. People are misguided by considering the life in the world to be eternal. Allah Ta’alah says in The Qur’an:

Al-Kahf: The Cave: 7

Indeed, We have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that We may test them [as to] which of them is best in deed.


The Worldly Life is full of tests and trials. Everyone is tested according to his Iman. The prophets among the people were tested most in their lives. Ibrahim A’laihissalam faced the enmity of his father and nation on inviting them towards Tawhid. Yusuf A’laihissalam found his brothers treacherous and faced trial after trial until he was successful and acknowledged by all. Ayyub A’laihissalam was tested by his family, wealth and health so that he was taken everything back and then given in excess in this world after finishing the trials and being patient on it. After the prophets were tested the people who were near to them in obeying Allah’s commandments. Every person is still in state of test either by giving or depriving some of the blessings in this World. People are misguided by considering the life in the world to be eternal. Allah Ta’alah says in The Qur’an:

Al-Kahf: The Cave: 7

Indeed, We have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that We may test them [as to] which of them is best in deed.


Life in the Light of Qur’an

The Worldly Life is full of tests and trials. Everyone is tested according to his Iman. The prophets among the people were tested most in their lives. Ibrahim A’laihissalam faced the enmity of his father and nation on inviting them towards Tawhid. Yusuf A’laihissalam found his brothers treacherous and faced trial after trial until he was successful and acknowledged by all. Ayyub A’laihissalam was tested by his family, wealth and health so that he was taken everything back and then given in excess in this world after finishing the trials and being patient on it. After the prophets were tested the people who were near to them in obeying Allah’s commandments. Every person is still in state of test either by giving or depriving some of the blessings in this World. People are misguided by considering the life in the world to be eternal. Allah Ta’alah says in The Qur’an:

Al-Kahf: The Cave: 7

Indeed, We have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that We may test them [as to] which of them is best in deed.


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